Two New Spearhead Sets For Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

February 12, 2024 by brennon

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Games Workshop have previewed two new Spearhead sets that will begin to replace the Vanguard sets for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. You can get started in The Mortal Realms with the Cities Of Sigmar and the Flesh-eater Courts alongside these new sets.

New Spearhead Sets - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

New Spearhead Sets // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

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These sets act like Combat Patrols from Warhammer 40,000, giving you a pretty decent way for you to start playing Warhammer Age Of Sigmar with a relatively balanced force. Whilst these Spearhead sets haven't got the more focused rules to cover them just yet in-game, I would imagine they will be coming when the game gets its new edition in the Summer. For now, they are also a good way for you to get a bulk of miniatures for these two relatively newly updated factions.

The first set covers the Cities Of Sigmar.

Spearhead Cities Of Sigmar - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Spearhead - Cities Of Sigmar // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

This set features the awesome Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal which is possibly one of the best miniatures of the last few years. He is backed up by five Freeguild Cavaliers who can smash through enemy lines and ten Freeguild Steelhelms who will be holding the line. You also get a bombastic Ironweld Great Cannon for putting holes in big beasties.

The second set features the ghoulish Flesh-eater Courts who are bounding into battle under their tattered skin banners.

Spearhead Flesh-eater Courts - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Spearhead - Flesh-eater Courts // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

This set comes with the Abhorrant Archregent, an epic "Strigoi" Vampire that would be fun for Warhammer fans of old to pick up as well as those of the Mortal Realms. Bounding across the battlefield are the Morbheg Knights who believe themselves to be valiant knights on the back of gleaming chargers. There is also the Varghulf Courtier who is going to ripping their way through your enemies soldiers. Last but not least, you also get the Cryptguard who are going to form the blood-soaked backbone of your army.

These sets would be great for those looking to dive into the Dawnbringer Crusade narrative and the recent clashes between the Cities Of Sigmar and the Flesh-eater Courts.

Will you be snapping up these Spearhead sets?

"These sets would be great for those looking to dive into the Dawnbringer Crusade narrative..."

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