Victrix Releases New 28mm Dark Age Archers Miniatures Set

April 6, 2022 by brennon

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The folks at Victrix Miniatures have now released a new set of Dark Age Archers for you to use in your 28mm Historical wargames. The set allows you to build thirty-six miniatures that can be armed with bows and slings.

Dark Age Archers And Slingers - Victrix

Dark Age Archers And Slingers // Victrix

As mentioned in the tag above, the set can be used to make warriors from warbands for the Vikings, Saxons and Normans. Whilst their battle tactics were different, many of the regular folk wrangled into the service of these nations would have been armed (and indeed dressed) similarly. With that in mind, this works very well as a "one size fits all" set.

Dark Age Archers And Slingers Miniatures #1 - Victrix

Dark Age Archers And Slingers Miniatures // Victrix

The bodies and legs for each miniature come together but you can then tinker with all manner of arm poses for your archers and slingers. You also have a good selection of heads to choose from, allowing you to style them to match your faction of choice.

Dark Age Archers And Slingers Miniatures #2 - Victrix

Dark Age Archers And Slingers Miniatures // Victrix

One of the nicest things about the set, in my opinion, is the fact that you've got archers doing all manner of different things. You have archers pointing out targets, reloading, firing and more as part of the set. It's a set packed with customisation options that should work well alongside all of the other Victrix Dark Age range too.

You might not think it, but a sling was a pretty effective weapon as well. Your ammo was all around you and with a little bit of training, a slinger could put a stone through someone's helmet with ease. Or, at least cause enough damage to make them have a very, very sore head.

Dark Age Archers And Slingers Miniatures #3 - Victrix

Dark Age Slinger Miniatures // Victrix

Again, you've got a mix of different poses and customisation options for these Slingers. You could use these as the harassing scouting force that got sent ahead of your actual army. Throw a few stones into the chaos and then scamper back into the forests!

As well as being used for that triumvirate of Dark Age armies, you could also use these models to represent the Bretons, Franks and Germanic armies of the time with a little bit of tinkering.

It's another decent set from Victrix that builds on a core of excellent releases for making your own Dark Age warbands. A good way to start a new SAGA warband perhaps?

Are you going to be picking these up?

"A good way to start a new SAGA warband perhaps?"

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