Wargames Illustrated Sculpt Up The First Templar

February 15, 2021 by brennon

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Wargames Illustrated has added another new character to their 28mm Giants In Miniature collection. You can now snap up The First Templar, Hugues de Payens.

Hugues De Paynes - Wargames Illustrated

Hugues De Paynes // Wargames Illustrated

Hugues De Paynes was the co-founder and Magister Militum Templi (Master Of The Knights Of The Temple) of this religious order. He led them for twenty years until his death and, as you might be aware, they were very powerful and commanded land from Scotland all the way down to the Jordan River.

He is quite the iconic figure to include in your Medieval armies and might be just what you need when considering starting a large Crusading force on the tabletop. I do like the sculpt, shrouded as he is in that hood and cape. It gives the character a neat edge of mystery!

What do you make of De Paynes?

"I do like the sculpt, shrouded as he is in that hood and cape..."

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