Meet Warp Miniatures’ Fellows Of The Golden Band On Patreon

March 5, 2024 by brennon

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Warp Miniatures has done it again! A new collection of miniatures is available to download and 3D Print for your Fantasy adventures. This time around, it's the totally original The Fellows Of The Golden Band.

Mandalf The Monochrome - Warp Miniatures

Mandalf The Monochrome // Warp Miniatures

This collection of nine 32mm miniatures offers a great selection of options for your next Fantasy adventure on the tabletop. You have the awesome Mandalf The Monochrome (excellent) who acts as the wizard of your travelling band. He is joined by the brooding Walker The Ranger.

Walker The Ranger - Warp Miniatures

Walker The Ranger // Warp Miniatures

This collection wouldn't be complete without the band-bearer himself, Frobo, who looks like he has just about had enough of wandering through the wilderness looking to try and throw some jewellery into a big, hot mountain.

Frobo - Warp Miniatures

Frobo // Warp Miniatures

This set also comes with Bootlegolas The Elf, Grimley The Dwarf, Barrymere the Fighter and some more Halfling companions in Stanwise, Matey and Poppin. I love the naming of the characters from Warp; it certainly gave me a chuckle. The miniatures themselves are also looking stunning and I think it would be great fun to paint these up.

The Fellows Of The Golden Band - Warp Miniatures

The Fellows Of The Golden Band // Warp Miniatures

You could include these fellows in your ArcWorlde adventures or perhaps choose to drop them into a bit of Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game with alternative miniatures. There are more than enough Orcs, Goblins and more available for you to scoop up from them!

Could you be tempted to snap up The Fellows Of The Golden Band?

"I love the naming of the characters from Warp; it certainly gave me a chuckle..."

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