Add The Wounded To Alternative Armies’ English Civil War Range

April 11, 2024 by brennon

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Alternative Armies has added a couple of new sets to their collection for 15mm English Civil War wargaming. The Wounded can be slotted into your games as markers to represent damage or fatigue in games or simply as characterful unit fillers.

English Sitting Wounded - Alternative Armies

English Sitting Wounded // Alternative Armies

There are three different Sitting Wounded for you to choose from who are in different states of distress. They have probably taken a shot to the knee or maybe just need a breather after a particularly brutal battle. I do quite like the idea of doing a little diorama which was focused on the moments after a battle where you could have soldiers sitting and standing around, surrounded by the dead and just taking it in.

I think that could be good alongside the likes of The Walking Wounded (below). You could do something quite epic if you did this in 15mm.

English Walking Wounded - Alternative Armies

English Walking Wounded // Alternative Armies

All of these miniatures can be snapped up now and slotted into your 15mm battles during the English Civil War and the 17th Century in general. You might find yourself folding these into your collections for the likes of Furioso.

Furioso Rulebook - Alternative Armies

Furioso Rulebook // Alternative Armies

You can find out more about Furioso HERE which seems like a fun and simple system for running big battles from the Renaissance period. You can also get the rules in a digital form if you prefer but I think there's something to be said for a good book.

Will you be checking out these wounded miniatures and perhaps the Furioso rules?

"Will you be checking out these wounded miniatures and perhaps the Furioso rules?"

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