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Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

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End of project battle

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3

31st December 2023

Well, just about made it before the end of the year…..

Wife chose faction first and went for Nightstalkers.

Since the other new faction for this project was the Northern Alliance I chose them.

200pts, with supply grab mission.

End of first turnEnd of first turn

Our set ups were roughly mirrored.

We both had two big guys (each had one as a commander) and they were shoring up the middle.

Then a couple of smaller groups of the flanks.

I moved my troops aggressively into the middle, first one clansman – trying to draw out wife’s Butchers.

She didn’t take the bait, so my line moved up as in the picture above.

Into the second turn, she decided to throw her troops forward, and we ended up with an ongoing melee in the middle. Power dice used up, fatigue added for retaliation etc.

On my left flank my Ice Kin hunter had some effective shooting, and a Huscarl engaged as well.

On my right one of her horrors took out my Naiad in a retaliation strike after I engaged the horror with the Naiad and a clansman.

Nearing the end of turn 2 - a number of Nightstalkers hiding behind treesNearing the end of turn 2 - a number of Nightstalkers hiding behind trees

Over the next few turns I whittled down her forces, loosing a couple in return.

My leader Snow Troll suffered 3 wounds in the middle, getting me worried – but eventually the Northern Alliance got the upper hand.

The Nightstalkers were on morale tests, and by the start of turn 5 the remaining horror fled the battlefield.

Had fun overall.

It did end up a bit of a whitewash, but could have easily turned in the middle of the game.

Stars for the northern alliance were the Snow Trolls, Huscarls and the Ice Kin hunter…… basically most of the non grunts.

I think we got most of the rules right though, and wife said she would play again – so that’s good ?

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