Face New Monstrous Foes In Free League’s Dragonbane Bestiary

October 10, 2023 by brennon

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Free League Publishing has announced pre-orders for an excellent book to enhance your adventures in their Fantasy roleplaying game, Dragonbane. Dare you face more of the deadly foes that you find within the Dragonbane Bestiary?

Dragonbane Bestiary - Free League Publishing

Dragonbane Bestiary // Free League Publishing

Inside this book, you'll find sixty-three creatures for your player characters to run into on the tabletop. Each of the creatures in the book comes to life through the illustrations of Johan Egerkrans and David Brasgalla and will be complete with background text, a random encounter that you might find them popping up in and a seed for a full adventure based around them. Pretty darn good!

Calydon Example - Dragonbane

Calydon Example // Dragonbane

Most (but not all) of the art from the book will be familiar to those who picked up the earlier edition of Drakar och Demoner from 2016 but it has now been presented in the same way as the core Dragonbane rules from Free League. I think it looks great!

Brook Horse Example - Dragonbane#

Brook Horse Example // Dragonbane

In addition to the creatures, there are also nine new playable Kin for you to use in your games of Dragonbane alongside their own unique abilities. If you're looking to show off a little more you can also get yourself a Collector's Edition version of the Bestiary which comes with a faux leather cover featuring gold foil print.

Limited Edition Dragonbane Bestiary - Free League Publishing

Collector's Edition Dragonbane Bestiary // Free League Publishing

If you want to show off even more, you can also get yourself the Dragonbane Monsters Standee Set which will allow you to use these on your battle maps. These Standees are really nice quality, if the ones included in the Core Set are anything to go by, and will cover the different monsters that you find yourself coming up against in your games of Dragonbane. Sixty-two illustrations covering the fantastic creatures from the Bestiary.

Dragonbane Monsters Standee Set - Free League Publishing

Dragonbane Monsters Standee Set // Free League Publishing

Could you be tempted to scoop up these sets and use them for your games of Dragonbane and beyond? If you're looking for a fun Fantasy roleplaying game that feels familiar enough to D&D but with plenty of quality of life improvements to make it stand out and feel unique, I would recommend diving in and giving Dragonbane a go. You'll still get to throw around d20 but there's a lot more about the game to make it feel dynamic and properly heroic.

Will you be scooping up the Bestiary for Dragonbane?

"Will you be scooping up the Bestiary for Dragonbane?"

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