New RPG Monster Tokens Join PWork Wargames’ Collection

February 27, 2024 by brennon

PWork Wargames has expanded its collection of RPG Tokens for you to use in your tabletop roleplaying games. They already have a great selection of options including the Heroes set which covers a lot of the basic character classes that you need for your average party.

Heroes RPG Tokens - PWork Wargames

Heroes RPG Tokens // PWork Wargames

Elves, Dwarves, Halflings and Humans are catered for alongside various classes like Fighters, Rogues, Bards, Paladins and more. If you're a group that usually sticks to the theatre of the mind for your games with the occasional battle map then these seem like a great idea rather than investing loads of money in regular miniatures. Stick these on some tiles or a battle map and away you go.

New Enemies

When it comes to new foes, there are some new fiendish enemies for you to come up against. Some more basic enemies have popped up including the shambling Zombies!

Zombies RPG Tokens - PWork Wargames

Zombies RPG Tokens // PWork Wargames

Drop these into a campaign and see them start to overwhelm your heroes on the tabletop! I like the idea of combining them with another of the new tokens that PWork introduced to their webstore, the Mind Stealers.

Mind Stealers RPG Tokens - PWork Wargames

Mind Stealers RPG Tokens // PWork Wargames

Rather than being shambling necromantically risen zombies, these are poor townsfolk who have had their brains taken over by the Mind Stealers! Do you just cut those "zombies" down or do you try and free them from the brain slugs that these Mind Stealers have placed in their skulls?

Last but not least, we also have the Eye Tyrants. These could be used as the big boss of your next campaign, hiding in the depths of some creepy manor where they have agents undertaking their various schemes.

Eye Tyrants RPG Tokens - PWork Wargames

Eye Tyrants RPG Tokens // PWork Wargames

These RPG Tokens are a great idea for the Dungeon Master who just doesn't have the time to paint loads of miniatures. Crack these out and use them alongside some of the existing Dungeon Tiles from PWork Wargames to make exciting battlefields or tie them in with PWorks' gaming books to enhance the experience.

Will you be snapping up these new RPG Tokens?

"...these are poor townsfolk who have had their brains taken over by the Mind Stealers!"

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