The Weekender: The Mantic Open Day & Gaming In the Gaps

May 11, 2013 by warzan

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Video Sponsors: Warmachine - Kings of War

We're back for another episode of the Weekender where we talk all things awesome. As you can see we've had a week filled with Daemons but also the start of DreadBall Academy with the awesome James M. Hewitt and Warren.

The Weekender: The Mantic Open Day & Gaming In the Gaps

As well as DreadBall Academy we'll be discussing the Mantic Open Day which is full of promise, upcoming High Elf Warhammer Fantasy content and also a sad farewell to the king of stop-motion animation, Ray Harryhausen.

We even have some fun ideas for some Gaming in the Gaps with a look at quick pick up games like DreadBall, X-Wing and the newly announced High Command from Privateer Press.

DreadBall Academy:


Farewell to the King of Stop-Motion Monsters


LEGO Helm's Deep

All Quiet On The Martian Front Kickstarter

Magic The Gathering

Meridian Miniatures Steampunk/Sci-Fi Soldiers

Warhammer Quest iDevice Game

Wolfenstein: The New Order

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Daemons Week

Achtung! Cthulhu Tabletop Day Characters

New X-Wing Ships

Cthulhu Wars Closer Look


Dungeons & Dragons Movie From Warner Bros

Epic Death! The Card Game Kickstarter

Release Watch:-

Privateer Wave

Skorne Gargantuan Mammoth

Menoth Solo Exemplar Bastion Seneschal

Mercenary Tactical Arcanist Corps

Retribution Griffon

Flames of War

Centurion Mark 5

Rifle Platoon (ANZAC)

Mortar Platoon (ANZAC)

Anti-tank Platoon (ANZAC)

Bolt Action

Armies of the Soviet Union

Have a great weekend!

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