Explore The Crypt Of The Dwarf King With Reaper Miniatures

December 15, 2021 by brennon

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Expanding the Dungeon Dwellers Encounters range, Reaper Miniatures has put together another Bones Black collection featuring terrain and miniatures. The Crypt Of The Dwarf King is a ready-made adventure for you to dive into on the tabletop.

Crypt Of The Dwarf King - Reaper Miniatures

Crypt Of The Dwarf King // Reaper Miniatures

The set contains a selection of miniatures to represent your characters, their foes and the various terrain elements that you'll need to bring this to life. You can see a full breakdown of how the set shakes out in the image below from the back of the box.

Crypt Of The Dwarf King REAR - Reaper Miniatures

Crypt Of The Dwarf King // Reaper Miniatures

All of this is made using the Bones Black Plastic that they've been tinkering for a while now. As you can see, you get the four Bronzebeard Dwarves, the Swiftaxe kinsmen and then The Ghost Of Dwarf King Durnan The Mad.

Dwarf Warband - Reaper Miniatures

Dwarf Warband // Reaper Miniatures

The way I see this shaking out is that you either use this as a skirmish-based scenario where you make a warband of Dwarves and play this out using one of the myriad rules sets out there. Or, you have players make D&D heroes (or any other RPG rules) and introduce them to this as a dungeon delve.

Zombie Thanes - Reaper Miniatures

Zombie Thanes // Reaper Miniatures

The Dwarves find themselves arrayed against the Dwarf King but also some of his Zombie Thanes that were perhaps killed defending his tomb from an ancient evil. You also get the Dwarven Tomb (featuring a dead body inside it!)...

King Durnans Crypt - Reaper Miniatures

King Durnan's Crypt // Reaper Miniatures

...as well as the Everlasting Flame, King Durnan's Ledger, a Dwarven Statue and the Archway. You could use this alongside a bunch of dungeon tiles to make a very thematic set-up for your skirmish and roleplaying games.

I like the idea of using this alongside perhaps the new 7TV Fantasy rules in order to play out a very specific scenario. The Dwarves have battled their way to the foot of the mountain and now have to delve inside, secure the Everlasting Flame and put their ancient ancestor to rest.

Are you tempted to pick this up?

"The Dwarves have battled their way to the foot of the mountain and now have to delve inside, secure the Everlasting Flame and put their ancient ancestor to rest..."

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