TTCombat Preview Exclusive Miniatures For Their Game Ranges

August 12, 2020 by brennon

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TTCombat has revealed four exclusive miniatures which are going to be available only from their webstore. The pre-orders for these wargaming miniatures and terrain pieces are available now with a release date pencilled in for the beginning of September.

Occupied New York Sector Pack - Dropfleet Commander

Occupied New York Sector Pack // Dropfleet Commander

The first piece is the Occupied New York Sector Pack which offers up a set of rather special looking terrain pieces to use in your games of Dropfleet Commander. The set contains The Tartarus, Empire State Building, Freedom Tower, Statue Of Liberty, Nova Prospect and also three Scourge Orbital Batteries. It should spur your forces on to retake this iconic city from the alien terrors that have infested Earth.

Keeping with this universe, you've also got the Osprey Light Gunship for Dropzone Commander.

Osprey Light Gunship - Dropzone Commander

Osprey Light Gunship // Dropzone Commander

Armed with short-ranged Light Railguns, this should be able to destroy light vehicles with ease. It also comes with Multimissles which make it good against other aircraft too. It is also a fairly resistant ship too meaning that it will be very hard to deal with. If you're a UCM player then you'll probably enjoy adding this into the mix.

Flamboyant Rumbleslam Fighters & Fiery Carnevale Gifted

As well as those smaller-scale options you can also pick up some new characters for both Rumbleslam and Carnevale. We start with Traffic James who is making a statement in the wrestling ring.

Traffic James - Rumbleslam

Traffic James // Rumbleslam

James works as a supporting character in the game. Whilst he isn't the most aggressive team member he is able to help you whilst you beat the living snot out of your opponent. He is able to stop enemy wrestlers in their tracks and allow friendly wrestlers to re-roll their Crowd Pleasers. Plus, who could say no to those muscles right?

For the world of Carnevale we have Zovena Vela, one of The Gifted.

Zovena Vela - Carnevale

Zovena Vela // Carnevale

Zovena Vela can be included in any gang and she is armed with Fireballs and Fire Breath to deal with her foes. She might be small but she can over-power her abilities and also self-immolate allowing her to do tremendous damage to anyone close by and herself. Maybe her sacrifice could help turn the tide in your favour?

Are you tempted by these exclusives from TTCombat for 2021?

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