Exclusive! Tor Gaming Show Off Relic’s Maverick Mike

October 30, 2015 by brennon

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Tor Gaming have given us a bit of an exclusive with a look at some new models for Relics. See what you think of Maverick Mike and the Maverick Boys who will be hitting the tabletop soon...

Maverick Boys

"All of the puppet soldiers of Britana begin their ‘lives’ within the Loom houses before being assigned to specific regiments within the army.

As with any large scale production operation, a number of puppets will be considered defective and will be rejected by the Loom Masters before they are designated to specific regiments, this was the case with Maverick Mike."

Once a discarded puppet Mike went on to fight his way through the ranks of the Britanan army and on one fateful day he turned on his human commanders who were willing to throw his and his comrades lives away. Now he and his troupe travel the land fighting for whoever they will, be they Britanan or Orcnar.

"Mikes unnatural proficiency with two rifles has become legendary and he is considered to be a one man army by many; never before has a puppet been able to destroy targets leagues apart with the deadly speed and efficiency displayed by rogue commander; he is truly a miracle creation."

I think he sounds like a fantastic character and I love the effort that's gone into making the unit look unique and battle worn. I can see these going down a storm.

What do you think of Mike?

"I think he sounds like a fantastic character and I love the effort that's gone into making the unit look unique and battle worn. I can see these going down a storm..."

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