Sci-Fi Wargame, Urban War Returns To Tabletops With Seb Games

October 20, 2023 by brennon

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Seb Games has reached an agreement with Scotia Grendel to bring the world of Urban War back to the tabletop. The 28mm Sci-Fi miniatures will be available through both outlets for now and there are plans to take Urban War further in 2024!

Urban War Starter Set Triad Vs Gladiators - Seb Games

Urban War Starter Set Triad Vs Gladiators // Seb Games

Seb Games is going to be producing a new edition of the game in the Summer of 2024 but in the meantime, you'll be able to dive into the 1st Edition of the game with the Two-Player Starter Set that you see here featuring the classic miniatures for the Triad and the Gladiators.

As well as getting access to the Starter Set, you can also just download the Urban War Rules for free over on the Seb Games website so you can see if the game is for you. The game can be played by more than two players and features a neat skirmish system as well as ways to develop your team through the gaining of experience to turn them into your preferred fighting force!

Urban War Starter Teams

In addition to the Starter Set, you can also get your hands on a bunch of individual Starter Teams which allow you to zone in on a particular faction if you prefer.

Gladiator Starter Team - Urban War

Gladiator Starter Team // Urban War

Junkers Starter Team - Urban War

Junkers Starter Team // Urban War

I remember when I first started looking at miniature wargaming for Beasts Of War back in the day and Urban War was one of those games that had quite the following. I remember the Junkers being a big draw, mainly because of those Judge Dredd-style shields!

Syntha Starter Team - Urban War

Syntha Starter Team // Urban War

Triad Starter Team - Urban War

Triad Starter Team // Urban War

I also really like the look of Syntha with its mix of robots and augmented individuals working together. The range is pretty awesome and it's nice to see that Seb Games are not only going to be making the miniatures available on their store but also working towards new rules for the game.

Vasa Starter Team - Urban War

Vasa Starter Team // Urban War

Viridian Starter Team - Urban War

Viridian Starter Team // Urban War

Make sure to go and check out the Seb Games Page all about their plans for Urban War as I've no doubt they'll look at updating it with more news as and when it comes out about the new edition of the game.

Were you a fan of Urban War back in the day and could you see yourself returning to the game?

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"Were you a fan of Urban War back in the day and could you see yourself returning to the game? "

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