Avast! New Pirate Crew Sails The High Seas From Warp Miniatures

April 2, 2024 by brennon

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Warp Miniatures has added a new set of multi-part 32mm scale figures to their Patreon. You can get these excellent Pirates this month and start printing them off for your piratical Fantasy games.

Pirate Captain - Warp Miniatures

Pirate Captain // Warp Miniatures

This set features a selection of different bits that you can use to create an awesomely motley crew for your tabletop games. The set has a fun feel to it, which is often the case with Warp Miniatures, meaning that they should be ace to paint as you play around with different colours.

Pirate #2 - Warp Miniatures

Pirate With Pistols // Warp Miniatures

The set comes with a Captain (as you will have seen above) including his colourful parrot. You also get a cheeky monkey who will certainly be stealing all the loot, a First Mate and then a band of both male and female pirates armed with an assortment of weapons.

Pirate #1 - Warp Miniatures

Pirate With Cutlass // Warp Miniatures

The pirates come armed with cutlasses, boarding axes, pistols and there is also the odd hook hand. I do like that Alex painted the pirate with the second parrot with a shock of blond hair. He is going to be my Guybrush Threepwood.

Pirate Crew - Warp Miniatures

Pirate Crew // Warp Miniatures

I reckon you could also do a bit of a LeChuck on the Pirate Captain if you so desired to make him look a bit ghostly and ghastly. This is a solid set for those seeking to start a pirate warband in various games.

Could you see these Pirates being next on your list to get 3D printed?

"The pirates come armed with cutlasses, boarding axes, pistols and there is also the odd hook hand..."

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