Bunnies vs Zombies Gets the Axe

June 17, 2014 by stvitusdancern

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The Kickstarter project by Ninja Division, Bunnies vs Zombies has been cancelled as of last night. Not much of a reason was given, all that was stated in the email from Kickstarter web page was this short announcement:

Ninja Division is looking forward to the prospect of creating a dynamic board game that puts Bunny Heroes against the Zombie Horde. We feel there is an opportunity to expand the content of this game and create an animated play experience. Because of this, we are going to put this current campaign on pause and come back at a later date. There is a lot going on here at Ninja Division and we want to be able to have a fun IP. Bunnies vs Zombies is an exciting product that we are looking to build and grow, but the time for that may not be now.

Ninja Division is looking forward to the prospect of creating a dynamic board game that puts Bunny Heroes against the Zombie Horde. We feel there is an opportunity to expand the content of this game and create an animated play experience.

The end?

I do not know about some of you, but I am a little disappointed by this. We backed this project from the first day. After the experience we had with the Kickstarter from a couple of months ago of theirs: Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King which was wonderful, we were hoping to do the same on this one. I know for a hardcore miniature war gamer these kind of games might not me your cup of tea, but they are a nice change of pace when you just want to hang out with your family or mates have a few pints and play something easy and fun.

Friday the 13th, an omen?

Maybe we should have taken this to be an omen. But seriously, having met the guys at Ninja Division, I can tell you they are very passionate about their products and will be working diligently on either bring Bunnies vs Zombies back in a better form or have something even better for us.

Were you a backer like us and are disappointed about this project being cancelled? Will you back the next project?

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