Head To Coimbra & Schmooze Your Way Into New Developments!

December 21, 2021 by fcostin

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It is no surprise that Asmodee has a wealth of games behind them. Home to Fantasy Flight, Z-Man and Catan Studio. There are titles that have been left in the past, ready to reach the new generation of board games with the power of Asmodee behind them.

Coimbra - Image One

Coimbra // Eggert Spiele

Asmodee has been resurrecting, bringing board games of previous editions to the forefront once more with new print runs. Next on this venture to return is, Coimbra, Age of Discovery by Eggertspiele heading to retail on January 21st 2022.

Originally released at Gen Con in 2018, Coimbra is set in the 15th and 16th Century of Portugal, placed in the stunning city Coimbra. Players must up their charisma, as they are headed into a prestigious house rich in the history of Portugal, to shmooze with people in power, such as monasteries and help put into the development of expeditions in the era.

coimbra back box

Players must win over the citizens of Coimbra by the roll of a dice, taking opportunities wherever they can be found and encouraging interactions between the population of Coimbra moulding the future of Portugal with influence.

Coimbra, Age of Discovery is for 2-4 players. Taking 60-90 minutes to play through depending on how many socialites there are at the table!

Are there any other Asmodee titles you would like to see head back into the limelight?

"Players must win over the citizens of Coimbra by the roll of a dice, taking opportunities wherever they can be found..."

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