Mother Of Frankenstein Coming To Retail From Arcane Wonders!

September 10, 2021 by fcostin

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As a woman with a fair few hobbies, most days I bury myself in 18th and 19th Century literature. Normally this is before I can get my head down into a slumber and read the incredible words of

Whether it be eagerly tearing my way through Frankenstein, or sifting through heartbreaking poetry - the Shelleys are defined by myself as iconic powerhouses of wordomancy. Both with the ability to make the English language come alive in the beauty of the structure of their writings.

Given my own personal interest in the Shelleys, I was delighted to hear that Mother of Frankenstein from Arcane Wonders is making its way into retail soon. Taking Mary Shelley's life in context, and requiring players to undergo a series of cooperative experiences and brain tingling puzzles.

Initial Kickstarter Trailer // Mother of Frankenstein

The game itself has been inspired by the literary genius behind Frankenstein, Mary Shelley. Not inspired by her incredible stories that had been created in her inspired head, but the incredible story of her own.

Mother of Frankenstein is described as a combination of escape rooms, board games and immersive theatre as players are thrust into the life and brain of Mary Shelley through the output of a 10-15 hour experience.

Mother of Frankenstein - Image One

Box Contents // Mother of Frankenstein

The storage box in which the game comes in is absolutely stunning. Players will have access to 'The Shelley Volumes", which show a series of books written by the woman herself which have been hollowed out to contain some special goodies inside hidden under a letter from Shelley.

"Beneath Mary’s letter, you’ll discover a treasure trove of gorgeous hand-written documents, 2D and 3D jigsaw puzzles, mysterious objects and artefacts, and devious challenges. Prove your worth by studying the documents, constructing the jigsaws, and solving the puzzles... and you’ll be treated to a heartbreaking story that culminates in a shocking re-imagining of the truth behind Mary Shelley’s famous novel."

Mother of Frankenstein - Image One

Letter Preview // Mother of Frankenstein

Attacking the game at either a solo or cooperative experience, 1-6 players will work their way through physical and mental puzzles, including a famous Frankenstein-filled 3D castle that has the power to generate electricity.

If you did want to return back to Shelley's work or read Frankenstein for the first time - amongst the hollowed-out books, and the high-tech puzzles, a copy of the 1818 edition of Frankenstein is also included. For both the enjoyment of reading and to help you through your puzzles.

As the title was on Kickstarter, initial backers will be getting hold of their copy of the game prior to the retail release in 2o22. Although there is no date confirmed yet, I will certainly be keen on exploring the life of Mary Shelley, combining my love for tabletop gaming and classic literature.

Is there another icon in history you would love to see a similar concept for? I think Poe would be fantastic, but you'd have to swap glasses with somebody at your table to reference a highly distorted world! 

"Attacking the game at either a solo or cooperative experience, 1-6 players will work their way through physical and mental puzzles..."

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