Steamforged Games Tease Two New Godtear Heroes Coming Soon

April 17, 2020 by brennon

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Steamforged Games has been showing off two more heroes and the companions which will be coming to the world of Godtear in the future. We start with Luella, The Raging Storm.

Luella The Raging Storm - Steamforged Games

Here is some of the background on this pocket rocket who looks exceptionally fierce.

"Like a mighty storm, Luella engulfs her enemies in a whirlwind of flashing steel and thunderous fury. Take cover, for she and her Shieldmaidens charge into battle without a backward glance."

She is a deadly shieldmaiden and I love the Norse elements which have been built into her character and design. The same goes for her companions who follow her into battle, supporting her in her efforts as she strikes at the enemy.

Luella The Raging Storm Team - Steamforged Games

I like that you've got some equally fierce-looking characters here which almost cross the generations. Going from left to right, you've got a younger Shieldmaiden right through to a more venerable warrior who has been on the battlefield for a while.

Wandering Warriors

As well as the stalwart Luella above we've also got the slightly sneakier looking Jeen, The Wandering Warrior. Whereas Luella above has a Norse design to her and her companions, Jeen is looking towards the Far East and the Samurai.

Jeen The Wandering Warrior - Steamforged Games

Again, here is a dose of the background for this particular character...

"A mercenary with a soft spot for the downtrodden, Jeen wanders in search of wrongs to right and worthy adversaries to challenge. She leads the Golden Shrikes, a swarm of disciplined soldiers who dutifully cut down enemies in a flash of cold steel."

Whilst you'd automatically assume her and her companions are going to stab you in the back, it seems like Steamforged Games has been doing a nice bit of reworking when it comes to the expectations of Fantasy races.

Jeen The Wandering Warrior Team - Steamforged Games

You would not want to face down these deadly warriors on the tabletop I reckon. Those are some cruel looking weapons which are going to be slicing and dicing with ease.

One of the fun things about the Godtear range is that it features very different looking factions and heroes so you'll find something that you like. The game is also rather awesome too!

Will you be checking these out in more detail?

"One of the fun things about the Godtear range is that it features very different looking factions and heroes so you'll find something that you like..."

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