Community Spotlight: Ancient Cthulhu, A Black Coach & Bot War’s C.O.I.L.S!

March 13, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Cohors Cthulhu by elysium64

We start this week's Community Spotlight with a look at some work by elysium64 on the awesome Cohors Cthulhu published by the folks at Modiphius. This game takes the Ancient Romans and their period of expansion across Europe and mixes it with Lovecraftian elements and the threat of cosmic horror in the form of Cthulhu.

Cohors Cthulhu #1 by elysium64

This particular project used to be focused on the Dark Ages and Fantasy terrain but it has since developed into a project on Cohors Cthulhu since the Sarissa Precision Roman Villa was finished off. Some Roman and Germanic Warriors were picked up from Wargames Foundry, sculpted by Mark Copplestone and now they have all been painted up, it's time to dive in and start working on playing some games of Cohors Cthulhu!

Cohors Cthulhu #2 by elysium64

Set in the world of Achtung! Cthulhu that you'll be familiar with, you're going back in time here. The threat of cosmic beings and their servants pervades everything that you dive into with Cohors Cthulhu and it's a great opportunity for those who love their Ancient wargaming to try something a little bit different. So far, you can see some of the Romans that elysium64 has been working on alongside the civilians above which can also be used as adventurers in-game.

Things get decidedly more creepy when it comes to some of the more weird miniatures that you'll find hiding in the shadows!

Cohors Cthulhu #3 by elysium64

This represents an Avatar of the King In Yellow alongside two hunting Hounds of Tindalos. There is also a savage Germanic warrior, a cannibal that has found his way into the service of this individual, no doubt haunting the woods near your Roman town. Match that with the howling Cultists and you've got some impressive miniatures already for Cohors Cthulhu adventures.

bexx badge

The Black Coach by bexx

Following on from that trip into Lovecraftian horror, we also have some more terror in the form of this Black Coach which has been painted by bexx. She has always wanted one of these miniatures and so rather than turn it into a gaming piece, this has been turned into something decidedly epic with a diorama base.

The Black Coach #1 by bexx

I have been following this project for a while and it has been great seeing the progress on the miniatures. I think the Black Coach itself looks fantastic and you really get the sense of dark wood that has seen many a graveyard. It also helps that you've got the brilliant purple and red horses that drag the coach. The colour choice works really well next to the bone white and the black.

The Black Coach #2 by bexx

As well as the Black Coach, there is also this impressive scenic base which sits underneath the Black Coach. This has been made using one of the old Citadel Woods and a few bits and pieces. I think it works really well and the black and white serves well to give things that classic "Hammer Horror" feel. Little touches of colour here and there draw the eye but they won't take away from the Black Coach.

The Black Coach #3 by bexx

When this all comes together, it provides you with a brilliant diorama showcasing the Black Coach lifting off into the dark sky to do something terrible. A great painting project on a most-wanted miniature. I think that's a great way to celebrate getting a new kit!


Bot War C.O.I.L.S by rum8le

Last but not least, we're approaching more of the work from rum8le who has been diving deeper into more from Bot War by Trader Galaxy. Here, the COILS have taken centre stage. As always, these are absolutely stunning.

COILS #1 by rum8le

This has been another impressive painting project from rum8le who has tried to get as many of the COILS done over the course of a month. All manner of miniatures, both big and small, have been painted up and the scheme is looking frankly amazing!

I was particularly drawn to the huge Conspiracy which took up a large portion of the painting project over the course of the month. I don't think that rum8le has any thoughts about stopping either and I would guess that a lot more Bot War is on the way.

COILS #2 by rum8le

The dark blue works so well against the grey and the metallics. The highlighting and shading really pop and it's awesome seeing the bright blues and pinks which serve to draw the eye to all of the impressive guns and such on the miniatures!

COILS #3 by rum8le

As you can see when they are all assembled, this is a bloody awesome way to have spent a month. I think the final result is excellent and it's so good to see all of the smaller vehicles, walkers, flyers and towering pieces of terrain as well. An absolutely stunning collection of miniatures, wonderfully painted.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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