Community Spotlight: Dungeon Saga, Dewbacks & Flames Of War: Vietnam

March 10, 2021 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...

OnTableTop Golden Button 2021 Mar 10

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Dungeon Saga by macgothmog

We start with quite the showcase of miniatures, terrain and monsters that have been painted up for use in Mantic Games' Dungeon Saga by macgothmog. A variety of well-painted figures have made it into this one!

Dungeon Saga #1 by macgothmog

Firstly, as I've started in the past, it's great to see someone working on a more self-contained project like a board game. It's a fun way to track your progress as you get towards that 100% mark and more often than not, there is a great variety in the miniatures you get to paint.

Dungeon Saga #2 by macgothmog

I've picked out a couple of the heroes and one of the villains from the larger project which I thought really caught the eye. I think the painting on these is great and really brings each of them to life. I also like that the style is consistent throughout the project and everything feels as if it fits into the same dungeon-delving pigeon hole.

Dungeon Saga #3 by macgothmog

Some excellent work has gone into these figures and I love the little touches and details here and there. For example, with the creature above you've got the glow effect of her otherworldly presence glittering on the stone floor.

There is much more to go and check out as part of this project on the link above and maybe it will inspire others to get cracking and paint up the rest of their Dungeon Saga collection!


Star Wars Diorama by nightrunner

Next up, we're heading to a galaxy far, far away and taking a peek at this excellent diorama that is in the works from nightrunner. Taking some Star Wars: Legion figures and adding in a dose of technical know-how with terrain building, they are working towards a scene from A New Hope.

Star Wars Legion Diorama #3 by nightrunner

This is one of the early shots of the diorama as a work-in-progress and you can immediately recognise the scene. Stormtroopers have tracked the escape pod down to Tatooine and are now searching for those pesky droids!

Work is still ongoing with this project but as it stands we're getting a great look at the painting of the different elements. For example, here is the Dewback Rider. The work on that creatures' skin is amazing.

Star Wars Legion Diorama #1 by nightrunner

As well as the Dewback, the regular Stormtroopers have also come along nicely as you'll see here. They have also gone the extra mile and done some subtle weathering to match their dirty appearance from the films.

Star Wars Legion Diorama #2 by nightrunner

As I said above, there is still a little more work left to do on this diorama but it is coming along very nicely. I think this particular project really shows off the use of the system we've put together, taking something from idea all the way through to completion. It's really fun seeing how someone approaches the hobby, and it offers up ideas to those who check it out!


Flames Of War: Vietnam by andre77

Last but not least, we're revisiting a project which has been consistently updated for quite a while by andre77. The Vietnam War is a period of history that is always fascinating to look into and they have been working hard on plenty of new miniatures to use in 15mm wargames.

Flames Of War Vietnam #1 by andre77

Some of the newest work has been going into painting up the miniatures for their Vietnamese side of the conflict. As well as soldiers which have been armed and let loose on the jungles of the country we also have some excellent miniatures representing civilians.

Flames Of War Vietnam #2 by andre77

These are a key part of the Vietnam War experience on the tabletop as they could well be innocent civilians or perhaps resistance fighters ready to pounce on unwary patrols. As well as being a nice change of pace from army building, it has also been a chance for andre77 to try their hand at doing things like water effects and alternative basing.

When I say this project is wide-ranging I do genuinely mean it. As well as troops for the different armies we're also seeing pieces that could be used for gameplay or just as set dressing.

Flames Of War Vietnam #3 by andre77

The further you scroll back into the project, the more you'll find. There are some fascinating table layouts, vehicles that have been painted up and plenty of models for both the US and Viet Cong factions. If you're interested in 15mm Vietnam War wargaming then this is well worth a look.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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