Community Spotlight: Beautiful Fallout Terrain, Classic SLA & Prussians!

February 6, 2019 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Fallout Terrain by cacofold

First up we're looking at an absolutely amazing set of terrain put together by cacofold for a competition. This is a sterling attempt to put together a brilliant Fallout: Wasteland Warfare board which is based on the Roanoke region in the US.

Fallout Terrain #1 - cacofold

This is the tabletop without any of the effects added into the mix. It features a range of buildings, some beautiful trees and a shattered road which has fallen into disrepair. It reminds me of the landscapes you'd encounter in Fallout: 76 (shudder) but with a major difference, this is a lot better looking. I think it's nice to see a wasteland which isn't just brutal rugged terrain with no life whatsoever.

Now check what it looks like when he really went to town on the effects.

Fallout Terrain #2 - cacofold

This is stunning and really gets you excited for the type of stories you could tell on the tabletop. in cacofold's mind, this is a star worshipped by some of the ghouls in the area. They have captured an engineer too who they use to keep Mr Handy working as he maintains the light and keeps it shining ever on.

The best tabletops are the ones that help tell a story and I think you could safely say that this tabletop does that. You can find out more about the terrain and how it came together on the link above.

Fallout Terrain #3 - cacofold

An amazing piece and I could literally sit here for hours delving down into the terrain to find new story hooks to throw at players. What kind of tabletop would you build on this scale?

SLA Industries Characters by elysium64

Next up we're looking at some work from elysium64 who has been working away on some of the miniatures for the SLA Industries world. Let's leave any discussions about the Kickstarter out of this one and just enjoy the wonderful painting.

SLA Industries #1 - elysium64

This first character above is Delia The Destroyer, an armoured Operative from the game. The thing that drew me to her as a miniature was the work on the bright red armour and how well the yellow matched up against it. She has a real comic book edge to her and I think it's superb that he went with a clear base for the model too, making sure that she'll fit into any situation he throws her at.

We also had, by contrast, this monstrous looking fellow. This Shivers Machine is a rather brutal looking piece of kit and I would not want to bump into him when I was wandering around in the dark.

SLA Industries #2 - elysium64

Again, great attention to detail making sure that the model pops as it should. The metallics are nice and simple but the work on the torn flesh and clothes, the bloody rags and the deadly looking drill attached to his arm make him feel terrifying, just as you'd hope.

Whilst this is a smaller project I think elysium64 has shown off some great talent here and it'll be fascinating to see what else he does further down the line.

Prussian 11th Brigade by quantumpete

Last but not least we have the work on the Prussian 11th Brigade as they were at The Battle Of Leipzig. Here you can see the rather charming looking leader of this particular force, General Wieprecht Hans Karl Friedrich Ernst Heinrich von Ziethen. Now that is a name...

Prussian 11th Brigade #1 - quantumpete

quantumpete has done a lot of research, delving through Osprey books to learn more about this force and tried to represent them as they would have been during the battle. This is one of the joys of historical wargaming and hobbying as you get to do a lot of learning around the subject as well as just painting and army building.

Prussian 11th Brigade #2 - quantumpete

A lot of work has already gone into this project using some of the miniatures from the Perry Miniatures collection with an aim to play with them using the Black Powder rules further down the line. The painting is neat and clean with plenty of the key features picked out on the soldiers AND the regiments as a whole.

Once again, a smaller project for now but one that will no doubt burgeon into something very, very impressive.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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