Community Spotlight: Hot Germans, Angry Englishmen & Gruff Dwarves

October 27, 2019 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Afrika Korps by civilcourage

We're starting with a look at some World War II goodies from civilcourage this week. He has been working away on some cool looking Afrika Korps Germans for use in games of Bolt Action and some of the character work he has been doing caught my eye.

Afrika Korps #1 by civilcourage

The models are looking great I reckon and I love the colour palette change you get when you move towards the desert war and World War II. Suddenly you lose a lot of the mud and grime and it is replaced by a few more brighter colours and of course a bit of white too. I think the key element of his painting which I wanted to cotton onto was the facial detail.

Afrika Korps #2 by civilcourage

civilcourage has really managed to make each of the characters pop and I think that there is a nice level of detail given over to the uniforms, picking out pockets, creases in their outfits and more. I also like the little additional touches which draw the eye like the sheen on those goggles the fellow on the left (above) has going on.

A little more work has also been going into the core infantry elements for the army too. Again, a nice mix of colours here helps to bring up the desert look and make some of the soldiers stand out.

Afrika Korps #3 by civilcourage

Whilst I know a lot of people will want to see more of the tanks, I am very much a supporter of more infantry getting the focus in World War II. Tanks are kinda cool but the soldiers doing all the grunt work are far more impressive and packed with character.

English Civil War Army by firelock22

Next up we're looking at some soldiers from further back in history. firelock22 has been continuing to produce some excellent historical models and looks to the game Pikeman's Lament and his English Civil War force.

English Civil War #1 by firelock22

This is a period of warfare that I am very interested in. I have visited a few different castles and battlefields which played a key role in the Civil War and it is a fascinating period of history and turmoil which it would be fun to look at in more detail on the tabletop. firelock22's work here has only got me more interested, especially when you see the fantastic amount of detail and character he has managed to pick out from these models.

This is just a small part of a larger force which you can see here...

English Civil War #2 by firelock22

I am very taken by his work here and can't wait to see more of the close-ups for this army. Parliamentarians and those fighting for the King, I don't mind what side you fight for, I want to see more cool models!

Multigame Dwarves by blipvertus

Finally, we're looking towards a very expansive project but I'm going to focus on some of the new character work done by blipvertus. This is a project which aims to create a neat Dwarf army which could be used across the board in a myriad of different games. Here we have a look at some Shieldmaiden Dwarves from Bad Squiddo Games.

Dwarf Heroes #1 by blipvertus

I've been following the project closely since it started and now seemed like a great time to jump in and talk about the great job that blipvertus has been doing to keep the colour scheme running through the force, a mix of bright blue and orange in their hair and beards, as well as ace spot colours like the red of that shield you see above.

Dwarf Heroes #2 by blipvertus

The Dwarf Shieldmaidens, in particular, caught my eye because they were excellently painted and also I thought they were a great indicator of what else you'll find as you dive into this very extensive project.

As well as the characters you see above it is well worth diving in and check out the work done on lots of other plastic and metal Dwarves from across the wargaming spectrum which have been pulled together to create a great looking army, even in this little snapshot.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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