More Heavy Tanks & Support Comes To Flames Of War’s Eastern Front

September 23, 2022 by brennon

Rumble onto the battlefields of the Eastern Front with a new set of tanks for both the Germans and Soviets in Battlefront's World War II wargame, Flames Of War. A bunch of new 15mm miniatures are available across a variety of boxed sets.

Dicker Max Tank-hunter Platoon - Flames Of War

Dicker Max Tank-hunter Platoon // Flames Of War

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We start with two German offerings. You can choose from both the Dicker Max Tank-hunter Platoon and the Sturer Emil Tank-hunter Platoon. Both of these have been designed as tank hunters, ready to absolutely blast their way through all of that Soviet armour.

Sturer Emil Tank-hunter Platoon - Flames Of War

Sturer Emil Tank-hunter Platoon // Flames Of War

Both of these vehicles are pure workhorses and would be a solid addition to what's happening on the Eastern Front. I do like the idea that the Eastern Front becomes this pretty desperate battlefield where massive pieces of metal are just churning up the mud and rubble. There feels like there is something dirty and brutal about what's happening between the Soviets and the Germans.

New Soviet Vehicle Sets

As well as the new German vehicles, there are also four sets for you to choose from for the Soviets. They are not to be outdone by the Germans and their Tank-hunters.

KV-3 Tank Company - Flames Of War

KV-3 Tank Company // Flames Of War

IS-85 Guards Heavy Tank Company - Flames Of War

IS-85 Guards Heavy Tank Company // Flames Of War

Two of the additions have something a little bit modern about their design. There is the big ol' KV-3 Tank Company and also the IS-85 Guards Heavy Tank Company too. These miniatures should give you a lot of interesting options for making themed forces for the Eastern Front.

You can also roll out some additionally powerful vehicles in the form of the KV-5 Tank Company. Why not, right?

KV-5 Tank Company - Flames of War

KV-5 Tank Company // Flames Of War

There is something to be said about the amount of armour that got tweaked and updated during this period of World War II. If you're sometimes wondering about trying something different when it comes to armour in World War II, the Soviets and Germans engaged here would offer you lots of new for you to tinker with each time you sit down to paint.

Last but not least, we also have a fair amount of Armoured Cars for you to play around with on the tabletop.

BA-64 Armoured Car Platoon - Flames Of War

BA-64 Armoured Car Platoon // Flames Of War

Scout across the battlefield with the addition of the BA-64 Armoured Car Platoon. Cheap and easy to build, these cars were pretty good when it came to scouting enemy locations. If some of them get blown up, I guess you could replace them fairly easily, right?

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"These miniatures should give you a lot of interesting options for making themed forces for the Eastern Front..."

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