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The Best Sci-Fi Spaceship Game Is Back! Dropfleet Commander Returns With New Miniatures! #OTTWeekender
83It's OTTWeekender time! The best Sci-Fi spaceship game has returned with TTCombat revealing the brand new starter set and an awesome new faction for their excellent game, Dropfleet Commander. The UCM are going to be going up against the Bioficers in a brand new starter set alongside a new edition of this excellent Sci-Fi wargame.
WW2 Miniatures We Think Are Beyond Epic & A Great Range For The D-Day Anniversary! #OTTWeekender
8 months ago 67It's OTTWeekender time! With this week and weekend being the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, we look at some well known and some unsung heroes and personalities from World War 2 that you could add to your 28mm Historical wargames. We found a fantastic resource of character miniatures from both Hollywood History and real life that you could use in games of Bolt Action, Chain Of Command or V For Victory.
AntiMatter Games is showing off a new Starter Set that will be coming for their game, DeepWars. Kraken Reef will see the Ancients of Atalán facing off against the Dark Mariners as you look to uncover lost artefacts.
Brand New Flames Of War Starter Set Revealed! Battle In Berlin With The 15mm Red Army #OTTWeekender
30It's OTT Weekender time! This week, a brand new Flames Of War Starter Set has been revealed. Dive into more World War 2 Historical wargaming on the tabletop with new 15mm German and Soviet armies battling it out for Berlin during the Late War period.
AntiMatter Games have teamed up with Lv427-Designs to bring a new chapter of the DeepWars wargame to life. A new Kickstarter will be landing at the end of the month where you and a friend will be able to explore the Sunken Citadel.
Necromunda; The Best Way To Get A Warhammer 40K Fix? Amazing Miniatures, Rules & More #OTTWeekender
2 years ago 28It's OTT Weekender time! We have a chat about Necromunda and how we reckon it's probably the best way to get your Warhammer 40K fix. Screw collecting armies and dive into the gang warfare of the underhive with the amazing Necromunda miniatures, rules and more.
AntiMatter Games has made the Darkstar Rift Two-Player Starter Set available as a digital bundle for those seeking to get stuck into DeepWars and get 3D Printing! Could this be a good time to give this game a go if you've got a 3D Printer warming up in the other room?
We get a look at some speed painted Aliens miniatures, a trip to Sleepy Hollow and a dive under the sea to meet an eldritch master!
This week on Cult Of Games XLBS, we're joined by Free, Justin, Warren and Ben who are getting stuck into some hobby, what we have planned for the future and more.
Warren returns to us this week for Cult Of Games XLBS and he's got some interesting thoughts to share with us on underwater wargaming and Stone Age adventures.
Weekender: NEW Warhammer 40K Starter Sets; The Best Yet? + BIG Star Wars, Marvel Miniatures News!
5 years ago 97We're checking out some Fantasy Football teams and more from Greebo Games PLUS a whole bunch of fantastic new miniatures for Star Wars, Marvel and Warhammer 40K fans too.
We're chatting with Phalanx Games about their new Kickstarter project and diving into more from the tabletop world this week!
AntiMatter Games has been showing off more of the previews for their new Kickstarter, Uncharted Realms Of The Abyss
Come and check out a nice warm pub, terrifying demons from the deep and a host of holy warriors from the grimdark future,.
AntiMatter Games have added a new wild creature into the mix for games of DeepWars.
AntiMatter Games has revealed the finalised Starter Sets which will be coming to those who want to delve into both DeepWars and ShadowSea.
AntiMatter Games has been showing off more of the sculpting from their upcoming Two-Player Starter Set for DeepWars.
AntiMatter Games has previewed another of their monstrous creatures coming to DeepWars this year.
Join Ben, John and Lance as they trawl through the community projects to see what you've been up to this week!
Join John and Ben today for this week as we trawl through your projects to see what you've been up to this week.
Join John and Ben as they go through your community projects on the forums and in our projects system.
Win Kill Team Commanders expansion sets and let us know if this is a step in the right (or wrong!) direction for Games Workshop.
Community Spotlight: Homemade Burrows, Stunning Conversions & Kitbashes + A Deep Sea Collection!
6 years ago 9Converted armies, scratch built terrain and deep sea creatures come to life this week in our Community Spotlight.
AntiMatter Games are currently running a new Kickstarter which will help fund their new campaign supplement for ShadowSea called The Stygian Depths: Lost Temple Of Xibalba.
AntiMatter Games has been showing off the two main characters which will be leading each of the factions in the new DeepWars Two-Player Starter Set.
The Deep-Cut Studio team has teamed up with AntiMatter Games for their DeepWars Mat. Here we have a very beautiful looking Reef for your warriors to fight over.
There's never been a better time to explore the underwater world of Deep Wars from Antimatter Games. Antimatter Games is hosting their first ever painting competition, featuring the Dark Mariners!
Antimatter Games is not being fishy about their next release for DeepWars.
The magnificent underwater world of Deep Wars just become a bit more dangerous. The end of March will bring forth the DeepStar Kraken from the depths of Blood Reef!
AntiMatter Games have previewed a new sub-aquatic horror that will soon be rising to the tabletop; the Sea Troll.
Delving down into the darkness of DeepWars, AntiMatter Games has shared some awesomely monstrous models that swim about in the inky blackness.
Antimatter Games and Terracutter are teaming up to create some gaming aids for DeepWars and ShadowSea
AntiMatter Games never disappoints with the gorgeous paint schemes that can play out on their minis for Deep Wars. Check out the latest stunning paint job on the Giant Mantis Shrimp for the Nereids of Blood Reef.
AntiMatter Games show that they can make anything look awesome, even a shoal of fish. See what you make of the Carangaform Mech Swam for DeepWars.
With quite a mouthful of a name, the Clal-chk Harpooner from DeepWars is one of the models being previewed by AntiMatter Games ahead of its 2018 release.
Prince Corym ShadowShifter is one of the latest models to be previewed by the AntiMatter Games team for use within your games of DeepWars.
Anti-Matter Games have been sharing some more of their render work for the upcoming releases in DeepWars. Leading the way we have the Coelomech Submersible...
Shared over on the Abyssal Realms group for DeepWars Antimatter Games showed off this preview render for one of their upcoming models, the Sea Troll.
AntiMatter Games have previewed a new model coming in 2018, the Sea Wraith for the Ancients of Atalán from their DeepWars game. Now it's not often a 3D render so wholly grabs my attention as this one. The Ancients of […]
Over on their Facebook Page Antimatter Games have put together a WiP render of one of their upcoming models for DeepWars, Ol' Ginny Greenteeth.
The underwater world of DeepWars is about to get even better with the latest Kickstarter from Antimatter Games that's live right now. Now your explorers can hop aboard the Argonaut, their very own submersible!