Community Spotlight: Homemade Burrows, Stunning Conversions & Kitbashes + A Deep Sea Collection!

October 12, 2018 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Burrows & Badgers Terrain by newbolter

We're starting things off this time around with some wonderful scratch building by newbolter in the project system. Here we have his wonderful Burrows & Badgers terrain, more specifically this wonderful house that he created out of odds and ends.

Burrows & Badgers Home #1 by newbolter

This wonderful piece came together with greenstuff, lollypop sticks, foam and of course your standard array of hobby supplies you'd use for basing. We think this is possibly one of the most charming pieces we've seen to date and it shows off just what you can do if you put your mind to it with terrain.

Burrows & Badgers Home #2 by newbolter

All of the wonderful details like the muddy garden outside and the wild almost moor-like grassland growing on the top of this home are fantastic and help tell a story about how this home came to life. It would make for a fantastic piece to play around on the tabletop.

As you might imagine, newbolter has put together quite the exhaustive project where he shows off how this terrain piece comes to life so if you want to make one of your own then you just have to follow along.

Burrows & Badgers Home #3 by newbolter

We hope that he is going to be working on more terrain! There are some neat accessories like a cart filled with bakery goods and a birdhouse popping up in there so watch this space and I'm sure we'll see more inspiring terrain.

Converted Age Of Sigmar Wizard & Gnome Army by tabletoptroubadour

Next up we're turning to the wonderful Johnny Fraser-Allen who was one of the minds behind the big Tabletop Troubadour project Hagglethorn Hollow. Well, as you might have guessed from his interview he really does like building miniatures and this is his massive converted Wizard & Gnome army that he uses to play Age Of Sigmar!

Age Of Sigmar Conversion Project #1 - Tabletoptroubadour

His project is looking to bring together two forces which would clash amongst his terrain focusing in on the rampaging hordes of the Orks and Goblins coming up against an alliance of Wizards & Gnomes who have managed to animate the forest and bring it to their aid, whether they like it or not!

The army showcase he has put together features pieces which consist of plenty of home-built pieces and heavily converted models like the Gnome God here. Honestly, when you get a full look at this model you're going to go's...stunning.

Age Of Sigmar Conversion Project #2 - Tabletoptroubadour

As was mentioned in his project description...

"The Gnome army has joined the Wizards to overthrow the Green horde, and the Wizards, being human, have taken the secrets of the Gnomes and perverted them into their own experiments of breeding Homunculi quicker and tougher to fill the ranks of their army. "

...and you can see that in his array of different spellcasters that he has been working on for the project.

Age Of Sigmar Conversion Project #4 - Tabletoptroubadour

This is truly a very special project indeed and features not only a wonderful level of converting and painting but captures something that I think everyone should pursue when it comes to an army. There is a coherent narrative running throughout all of the models within this army with each facet of it having a place within the whole.

Nothing feels like it has been built simply because it's better and instead helps add to the world with another level of 'cool'. Oh, and he even created something that I think Sam would enjoy very much indeed.

Age Of Sigmar Conversion Project #3 - Tabletoptroubadour

I would make sure that you go over and check out this project in more detail so you can get a real feel for the army as a whole. I can't wait to see the Orks & Goblins that Fraser-Allen has been working on for this project but in the meantime, I still think I need to spend ten minutes going over this first force!

DeepWars & ShadowSea by thebucklandbrewer

Last but not least we have a look into another world which doesn't get enough time in the spotlight. thebucklandbrewer has been working away on his models for both ShadowSea and DeepWars starting off with this wonderful paint job on Captain Balthazar Drake.

ShadowSea & DeepWars Project #1 by thebucklandbrewer

This is of course not as massive a project as some of the other pieces we've seen today but it shows off a fantastic level of painting skill on a range which really deserves it. The colour choices here are fantastic, especially the floor which has that strange blue glow of an undersea realm.

The swirl of colours coming together across the model also works nicely and almost builds a mystical quality to the character, giving him the feel of a character who has delved beyond the mortal realm into something more mystical. Well, he does have a glowing eye too...

I would love to see thebucklandbrewer expand on this and give us some better looks at the rest of his models. For example, here we have his collection showing off some stunningly colourful monsters.

ShadowSea & DeepWars Project #2 by thebucklandbrewer

I want to see these close up! I love the rainbow of colours that adorn the larger creature at the back there and the subtle blending going into the eel at the front. Make sure you share your work with us in and project and I'm sure people will take note!

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

"What are you working on right now?"

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