Victrix Call In The Auxiliaries Of Early Imperial Rome

October 2, 2017 by dracs

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Victrix have put a new unit of Roman soldiers up for pre-order, the Early Imperial Roman Auxiliaries.

Early Imperial Roman Auxillaries

The Auxiliaries were soldiers non-native to Rome, brought from all corners of the empire to fight in its armies. As such, it is fitting that Victrix have come up with a nice variety of looks for them.

Early Imperial Roman Auxilliaries 1

Early Imperial Roman Auxilliaries 2

Early Imperial Roman Auxilliaries 3

While the Legionaries may be the main thing we picture when thinking of the Romans, these Auxiliaries are a great inclusion as they do show that this truly was a wide empire, with many distinct peoples within its borders.

What do you think of Victrix's take on the auxiliaries?

"[Auxiliaries] show that this truly was a wide empire, with many distinct peoples within its borders..."

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