Warlord Games Tease New Ancient Skirmish Game, SPQR

May 23, 2019 by brennon

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Warlord Games are getting in on the Ancient era skirmishing with a new game coming soon, SPQR.

SPQR - Warlord Games

All we've seen so far is this rather fuzzy image from the teaser trailer that they released onto Facebook this week. We're intrigued by the idea of warband combat in the Ancient world as it means that folks can start to collect factions like Romans and Celts without having to worry about having to have massive armies!

Very little else is known about the game however other than we're no doubt going to be seeing the Romans going up against Celtic/Gallic warriors in this Starter Set. One assumes we're going to see them working on rules for all manner of different factions too though, giving you a chance to play as warriors from across the Ancient world.

We're very interested to learn more and no doubt the coming days will yield more information on this project.

Will you be getting into this?

"...no doubt the coming days will yield more information on this project"

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