Meridian Bring New Sin Eater Miniatures To Kickstarter

February 28, 2024 by brennon

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Meridian Miniatures are back on Kickstarter with another fascinating project looking at turning the art of Sin Eater into miniatures for use in your wargames or just as painting projects. Dive into a range inspired by British folklore.

Sin Eater Illustrations Miniatures - Meridian Miniatures

Sin Eater Illustrations Miniatures // Meridian Miniatures

Andrew May of Meridian has loved the work of Sin Eater for a while so it's great to see those illustrations being turned into awesome miniatures. I'm sure that these miniatures are going to find themselves worked into all manner of Indie tabletop games.

The Green Man - Meridian Miniatures

The Green Man // Meridian Miniatures

Six of the illustrations were chosen, some of which will be familiar to those who know their folklore and others which are decidedly new! The Green Man above I think is a fantastic miniatures which could be a brilliant leader for a warband of equally wild and fascinating miniatures.

Moon Villager - Meridian Miniatures

Moon Villager // Meridian Miniatures

All of these miniatures have been hand sculpted which is pretty much always the case when it comes to Andrew May's range. They will be available in high-quality resin and May has said that they are going to be doing everything they can to make this the most gorgeous-looking set of miniatures for your collection.

If you've not been tempted by the miniatures as of yet, wait until you take a look at the miniature for the Soil Wizard below.

Soil Wizard - Meridian Miniatures

Soil Wizard // Meridian Miniatures

A stunning miniature and one that could find its way into all manner of collections I imagine. It seems a good fit for the scales used in Burrows & Badgers and the anthropomorphic Dark Sword Miniatures range.

Check out the other half of the miniatures in the Sin Eater collection on the Kickstarter and tell us what you think!

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"...wait until you take a look at the miniature for the Soil Wizard"

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