Check Out New RPG Encounter Toolboxes From Loke BattleMats!

May 26, 2022 by brennon

Loke BattleMats is now live on Kickstarter right now with two brand new RPG Encounter Toolboxes for Dungeon Masters to get stuck into. Are you tempted to dive in and use these alongside your Dungeons & Dragons quests?

RPG Encounters Toolboxes - Loke BattleMats

RPG Encounters Toolboxes Kickstarter // Loke BattleMats

There are two Encounter Toolboxes for you to choose from that include everything that you need in order to dive into a one-off or linked campaign game for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons.

Encounter Toolboxes - Loke BattleMats

Encounter Toolboxes // Loke BattleMats

Inside each of the Toolboxes, you will find a full selection of battle maps for you to use with the various encounters that Loke has put together. These then match up with the pre-written adventures for The Long Road and The Veiled Dungeon.

As well as that, each boxed set also comes with a set of bonus features like the unique monsters designed for these campaigns and the random encounter generators. This means that there is a LOT in this set that can be used beyond the point where you've finished both of the above adventures.

The Long Road - Loke BattleMats

The Long Road // Loke BattleMats

What's also nice about these sets is that you can reuse all of the components. Each of the battle maps has been designed to be wipe-clean using dry-erase markers so you can doodle and then rub them clean for another day. PLUS, they also match up well with Loke's extensive collection of books so you can continue future adventures using these kits.

The Veiled Dungeon - Loke BattleMats

The Veiled Dungeon // Loke BattleMats

In addition to the two Toolboxes that we've looked at here, the folks at Loke are also going to be offering up some bonus books that can be used to enhance your adventures.

Tricks & Traps - Loke BattleMats

Tricks & Traps // Loke BattleMats

One of these is Tricks & Traps which can be used to make your adventurers fear stepping into any dungeon. Rather than having to guesstimate exactly how far your adventurers need to leap, use these to fully detail the deadly traps that they are going to find down in a given dungeon.

You also have the Big Book Of Rooms which can be slotted alongside other maps to make interesting encounters in large rooms and chambers. Perfect for a boss fight or two I reckon.

Big Book Of Rooms - Loke BattleMats

Big Book Of Rooms // Loke BattleMats

This is just the start of what Loke is looking to offer up. You will be able to check out Stretch Goals and more over on the campaign and there are going to be added options in the mix once the pledge manager swings around post-campaign.

Are you tempted by this new set of Toolboxes?

"There are two Encounter Toolboxes for you to choose from that include everything that you need in order to dive into a one-off or linked campaign game..."

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