Check Out Westfalia Miniatures’ Epic True Monsters On Kickstarter

July 20, 2021 by brennon

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Westfalia Miniatures has teamed up with Boris Woloszyn once again to design some fantastic True Monsters in 32mm scale for use in your tabletop roleplaying games and wargames. See what you think of them!

True Monsters Kickstarter - Westfalia Miniatures

True Monsters Kickstarter // Westfalia Miniatures

Boris Woloszyn is back with two towering new monsters. Dragons and Giants are classical "Fantasy" and Wolozsyn has sculpted two large miniatures here which put a little bit of a twist on the traditional look and feel of each creature.

The first of these is the Fey Giant...

Fey Giant - Westfalia Miniatures

Fey Giant // Westfalia Miniatures

The idea here is that whilst the Giant is clearly lumbering around causing a bit of chaos, it is also taking in a moment of peace. Perhaps you don't have to immediately go out of your way to kill this one when you find out it has been terrorising the villagers. Maybe there is something else that has caused it to lumber into the way of the normal folk?

As well as the Fey Giant we also have the Cat Dragon.

Cat Dragon - Westfalia Miniatures

Cat Dragon // Westfalia Miniatures

The Cat Dragon has been designed to match the look and feel of Germanic and Slavic traditions. With its almost feline grace, this creature is stalking down from some ruined tower to see what strange creature has found its way into its lair.

Stretch Goals

The folks at Westfalia are doing something a little different when it comes to Stretch Goals with this campaign. There are goals matched to each of the creatures and general goals too. So, the Fey Giant and the Cat Dragon each have their own specific unlocks...

Giant Goals - Westfalia Miniatures

Giant Goals // Westfalia Miniatures

So, this gives you some fun additional options to sit around your creatures when you build them. Perhaps you'd like to make little dioramas and such using these miniatures?

Dragon Goals - Westfalia Miniatures

Dragon Goals // Westfalia Miniatures

I do like the Hunter Priestess in particular who has clearly come to some kind of accord with the Cat Dragon. Perhaps she is protecting it rather than seeking to kill it? I like that twist on Dragons who often get a raw deal!

There are also Campaign Goals that apply to everything...

Campaign Goals - Westfalia Miniatures

Campaign Goals // Westfalia Miniatures

It is ace to see more monsters and scampering goblins in the mix. I love the sculpts of Boris Woloszyn and it's great to see him getting to play around with all manner of interesting creatures.

This campaign is only running for a short time so if you like the look of these creatures then make sure to dive in and get pledging!

Which do you like more, the Giant or the Dragon?

"Which do you like more, the Giant or the Dragon?"

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