Zenit Bring Joseon Koreans Miniatures To CLASH Of Katanas!

September 27, 2022 by brennon

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Zenit Miniatures have now launched their Kickstarter campaign which is aiming to bring a new set of miniatures to CLASH Of Katanas and a myriad of other Historical wargames too. You'll be able to fight it out with the Joseon Koreans and these new 32mm warriors.

Joseon Koreans Kickstarter - Zenit Miniatures

Joseon Koreans Kickstarter // Zenit Miniatures

The focus of this campaign is to allow you to build a warband of the Joseon Koreans that can go up against the Japanese in CLASH Of Katanas. The Koreans couldn't go up against the Japanese in open battle and so adopted hit-and-run tactics and ways of ambushing their enemies in order to overcome them.

Korean Swordsmen - Zenit Miniatures

Korean Swordsmen // Zenit Miniatures

Whilst the Koreans had inferior firearms when compared to the Samurai, they would often replace guns with archery and the ability to rain down arrows from cover on their foes. They would also often make sure of somewhat unconventional war machines at the same time!

Guerilla With Spears - Zenit Miniatures

Guerilla With Spears // Zenit Miniatures

Whilst they did a fair amount of the fighting themselves, the Koreans also had help from the Ming Chinese. But, the focus here is on making a fun ambush force that can be used to send the Japanese packing. You will be using a large number of archers plus militia forces that have been raised from the local farms and villages to put the hurt on your Samurai enemies.

Joseon Koreans Collection - Zenit Miniatures

Joseon Koreans Collection // Zenit Miniatures

The Kickstarter currently allows you to get your hands on Park Jae-Sang as a named leader, Monks, Archers, Guerillas With Spears, Militia Archers, Arquebusiers, Polearm Guards, Swordsmen, the Hwacha and even a Cannon. Kim Yuk, another named character is already ready to be unlocked as their first Stretch Goal.

I didn't think I needed an army of Koreans for my tabletop games but I think that Zenit has nailed these sculpts. They look awesome and it's great to see another foe for the Samurai to face. Additionally, as someone who loved the show Kingdom, I want to pick up these and have them face off against hordes of zombies!

If you're interested, the campaign has just under two weeks left before it finishes. So, there is plenty of time to get involved.

Will you be picking up these Joseon Koreans?

"...as someone who loved the show Kingdom, I want to pick up these and have them face off against hordes of zombies!"

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