Mantic Games Tease The Twilight Kin For Kings Of War!

August 18, 2023 by brennon

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Mantic Games have started teasing the coming of the Twilight Kin to Kings Of War. Pannithor and this 28mm Fantasy wargame is going to be expanding with an army that is a lot more than just the "Dark Elves" of Mantic's world.

Twilight Kin - Kings Of War

Twilight Kin // Kings Of War

It looks like we're going to be getting a pretty mega release later this year featuring all sorts of awesome miniatures for the Twilight Kin and what appears to be a new box where they go up against the Abyssal Dwarves. Evil versus evil in a big monstrous mash up of spiky armour and crushing hammers.

To get you intrigued, Mantic have been doing a few videos over the last while exploring the background and the design of the Twilight Kin...

Twilight Kin Teaser // Mantic Games

Twilight Kin Lore // Mantic Games

Twilight Kin - Designing The Impalers // Mantic Games

The various videos have been great so far and I imagine a few more are going to be coming down the pipeline in the future too. It was pretty awesome looking at the design ideas going into The Impalers in particular.

The Impalers - Kings Of War

The Impalers // Kings Of War

Big, cruel and terrifying individuals with an array of vicious-looking weapons that would cut you into little pieces. There are a few more teasers of the The Impalers in the video which is worth watching as you'll get to see one pretty terrifying stuff. Some properly good Dark Souls/Elden Ring vibes going on with these fellows and something very different from what you'd expect from your traditional Dark Elf-style faction.

Northern Alliance Vs Twilight Kin - Kings Of War

Northern Alliance Vs Twilight Kin // Kings Of War

Embracing such a unique design to these miniatures is good for Mantic as it will help them stand out from others out there in the market and continue to give Pannithor its own identity. That has been growing and changing over the years but throughout the last couple, we've really seen a push for Mantic to do that. I think what we're seeing here for the Twilight Kin is just the tip of a very awesome iceberg!

Will you be following along and getting stuck into a Twilight Kin army later this year?

"I think what we're seeing here for the Twilight Kin is just the tip of a very awesome iceberg!"

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