Knight Models Prepare Teams For The DC Universe Miniatures Game

July 25, 2019 by dracs

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Since their recent announcement of a new physical rulebook for their DC Universe Miniatures Game, Knight Models have begun previewing the new team box sets that will soon be heading out for super-heroic battles.

The Good...

First, we have two new team sets for the good guys, starting with the Justice League themselves.

This set is made up of the members depicted in the movies' extended universe, namely Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and The Flash.

Say what you like about the Justice League movie (which doesn't take me long, as I'm afraid there wasn't much I did like), these sculpts are excellent depictions of the characters and having a set that brings them all together like this will be a real boon for super-hero fans.

Meanwhile, dealing with the more esoteric threats to humanity, we have Justice League Dark.

Comprising of Zatanna, Black Orchid, Deadman, Etrigan (and his other persona Jason Blood), Swamp Thing, and John Constantine (We are not worthy! We are not worthy!), this team came about during the New 52 run in the comics and were responsible for for protecting the world from those threat that stemmed from the realm of the occult.

While I'm not as big a fan of Constantine's New 52 depiction as I was of his time in Hellblazer comics, Justice League Dark is undoubtedly cool and as a miniature set is one I would be tempted to pick up for myself.

The Bad...

Of course, there will be plenty of villains for the good guys to face, starting with those of Batman's rogues gallery.

The Batman's Villains set includes Ra's Al Ghul, Bane, Clayface, The Riddler, Solomon Grundy, Scarecrow, all ready to cause serious trouble for the DC Universe's heroes.

Aside from maybe Clayface and Grundy, Batman's villains tend to be more insidious and less straight-up brawlers. However, this just means that they can cause havoc in ways other heroes really aren't ready to deal with.It will be interesting to see if riddler's and Scarecrow's mind games last long against Superman's right hook.

Then we come to the Justice League's own dark reflection, The Crime Syndicate.

Coming from an alternate dimension where the heroes of the Justice League are instead the world's worst villains, the Crime Syndicate is made up of Superwoman, Ultraman, Owlman, Power Ring, and Johnny Quick.

As vicious as the Justice League are noble, these villains are a dangerous match and one that could prove an interesting challenge when taken on the tabletop.

...And The Ugly

Finally, we get to the forces of Darkseid.

The tyrant Darkseid, alongside his new gods, Steppenwolf and Big Barda, lead the Parademons in their attempts to conquer new worlds.

Darkseid is largely considered even a match for Superman and taken alongside the other New Gods this set could be one of the most dangerous teams in the DC Universe Miniatures Game.

All of these box sets come with plastic bases and character cards. No doubt Knight Models will be revealing even more before long.

Which team of super-heroes would you like to see on the tabletop? Which super-villains would you send to face them?

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