Empress Preview 28mm Modern Civilians For Your Wargames

November 30, 2022 by brennon

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Say "Auf Wiedersehen, Pet" with a new set of 28mm Modern Civilians coming to the Empress Miniatures webstore soon. Designed to be good for Cold War wargaming, they could also be used for pretty much any modern battlefield if you preferred.

28mm Modern Civilians - Empress Miniatures

28mm Modern Civilians // Empress Miniatures

The characters here are Bomber, Wayne, Brenda, Neville, Dennis, Barry, Oz and Moxey which might be familiar to a few folks who have watched the comedy-drama Auf Wiedersehen, Pet. You can get them standing around and keeping an eye on proceedings as you can see above, perfect for a lot of wargames where stealth might be the option at the beginning of the battle.

If you prefer the idea of arming some freedom fighters or perhaps making sure that when things get "hot", they have the means to defend themselves, you can also get your hands on a bunch of civilians with guns, missile launchers and Molotov cocktails.

28mm Modern Civilians Armed - Empress Miniatures

28mm Modern Civilians Armed // Empress Miniatures

These miniatures could then be dropped into all manner of Modern Warfare-themed scenarios on the tabletop. It would be great, for example, to see these civilians used to represent fleeing citizens that you need to protect in one scenario. Then, you could come back with them armed as a band of freedom fighters in a later scenario when they try and win back their homes from the enemy.

I think these kinds of releases are great as they help to build on the stories that we tell on the tabletop.

Could you be tempted by these miniature sets?

"...they help to build on the stories that we tell on the tabletop"

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