Wargames Atlantic Sneak Peeks At New Russo-Japanese War Minis!

February 15, 2022 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic has been dropping a few more teasers as to what's coming down the pipeline. One of the recent sneak peeks was at some of the early work on a set of Early 20th Century Japanese soldiers.

Early 20th Century Japanese - Wargames Atlantic

Early 20th Century Japanese // Wargames Atlantic

This is going to be another of the versatile sets for the Imperial Conquests range. They could be used to represent soldiers during the period of the Boxer Rebellion or dropped into a clash between the Russians and the Japanese. The Russo-Japanese War is one of those conflicts that probably doesn't get the attention it deserves on the tabletop. It did much to destabilize the power of Emperor Nicholas II in Russia and certainly provided tinder for the fiery Russian Revolution.

To that end, it would probably be a fascinating set of battles to fight out on the tabletop if you can find some suitably fitting Russian soldiers. Additionally, these miniatures could also work for World War I if you didn't mind the lack of puttees. You could still use them though considering their armaments would have been similar.

These miniatures have no release date yet but it is good to see them added to the collection!

New Wargames Atlantic Box Art

Talking of World War I, the artwork for the British Infantry has popped up and it's basically ready to go. It shouldn't be long until these miniatures become available.

World War I British Art - Wargames Atlantic

World War I British Art // Wargames Atlantic

Heading further into the future, work is also underway on the new Female Cannon Fodder cover. Both of these are work-in-progress and need a final bit of touching up before they are ready. But, they look great!

Female Cannon Fodder - Wargames Atlantic

Female Cannon Fodder // Wargames Atlantic

The Female Cannon Fodder set should work very well for those wanting to add some alternative options into their Penal Legion or Planetary Defence Force armies. More options is never a bad idea!

The team at Wargames Atlantic also showed off some artwork of some nice horses too! If you want to give some feedback on miniature horses then you can also check out their latest article HERE.

Are you going to be snapping up those Japanese soldiers when they arrive?

"The Russo-Japanese War is one of those conflicts that probably doesn't get the attention it deserves on the tabletop..."

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