10mm Kozar Heroes Lead Armies In Spellcrow’s Argatoria

November 10, 2023 by brennon

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Spellcrow have added some more awesome 10mm Fantasy miniatures to their collection for use in their wargame, Argatoria. The Kozars are on the warpath with some new heroes spread across a couple of sets. We start with the Command Group.

Kozars Command Group - Spellcrow

Kozars Command Group // Spellcrow

The Command Group comes with a bunch of awesome miniatures in 10mm for leading the Kozars. You've got two Command Groups, one General and one Champion. These miniatures are going to be great when used as command elements as part of the Sheol-morg and look great! The detail is spot on and it's a solid set of "beastman" style creatures.

If you want even more Kozars Heroes then you can also pick up this set which features more epic individuals.

Kozars Heroes - Spellcrow

Kozars Heroes // Spellcrow

Still for Sheol-morg, this comes with two additional Champions and two Mages that you can use in your armies. If you're going to be playing Argatoria, these miniatures are key to helping command your force in-game and so you'll want to pick up these sets.

If these 10mm miniatures have caught your eye and you're in the market for a new Fantasy wargame at this scale, it's well worth having a look at more from Argatoria HERE.

Will you be scooping up these new heroes?

"...it's well worth having a look at more from Argatoria"

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