3D IPStudios’ World War II Project Perfect For Weird World War?

October 11, 2022 by brennon

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3D IPStudios is back on Kickstarter with another project, this time focused on Historical wargaming. You can dive in and check out a new set of 28mm World War II personalities and regular soldiers for use in your clashes be they Historical or a little bit Pulpy and Weird.

World War II - 3D IPStudios

World War II Kickstarter // 3D IPStudios

All of the characters, soldiers and vehicles here are 3D Printable STL files that have been designed for resin printers but they would also be suitable for FDM as well. After doing a lot of animal and dinosaur-themed Kickstarters in the past, this is quite the change but I think these miniatures look great.

US Army - 3D IPStudios

US Army // 3D IPStudios

The Core Set covers three of the factions fighting in World War II, namely the US, Germans and the Soviets. Each of the sets comes with a famous historical figure (Hitler, Roosevelt and Stalin) alongside a bunch of regular soldiers and a tank.

German Army - 3D IPStudios

German Army // 3D IPStudios

The scale and proportions here immediately made me think about what kind of games I'd use them in. I genuinely think these would be perfect for something a bit Weird World War. The "heroic" look to the miniatures would match with something a bit more over the top and it could be a good way to include those named characters in your games. Just throw some strange weaponry and perhaps a good helping of zombies and away you go!

Russian Army - 3D IPStudios

Russian Army // 3D IPStudios

All of the miniatures in this collection are scalable which is neat meaning that whilst they come in around 32mm "out of the box", you could tinker with them if you so desired. Additionally, as the campaign continues to rumble on, more options for your soldiers, additional vehicles, terrain and more are getting unlocked as part of Stretch Goals.

If you've got a Weird World War project waiting in the wings and you need some troops that would fit, I think this could be a solid Kickstarter campaign to check out.

Which of the three factions do you like the best?

"If you've got a Weird World War project waiting in the wings and you need some troops that would fit, I think this could be a solid Kickstarter campaign to check out..."

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