Snap Up The Abhorrant Ghoul King For Age Of Sigmar Soon!

December 13, 2022 by brennon

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Games Workshop has added a new miniature into the mix for the end of 2022. Warhammer Age Of Sigmar fans can snap up the rather funky Abhorrant Ghoul King wearing the Crown Of Delusion for use in their Fantasy wargames.

Abhorrant Ghoul King With Crown Of Delusion - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Abhorrant Ghoul King // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

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This miniature represents the somewhat sorrowful story of these flesh-eaters. Thinking of themselves as members of a royal court with all the grandeur, pomp and ceremony of their former lives, they are unaware of the terrible creatures that they have become. They now hold lavish and gruesome feasts with the rest of their kin, drinking the blood of their enemies thinking it fine wines from their now devastated kingdoms.

Abhorrant Ghoul King With Crown Of Delusion Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Abhorrant Ghoul King - Details // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Now, you can get your hands on a rather regal version of a Ghoul King to use with your Flesh-eater Courts on the tabletop as part of a diorama or simply leading the way in battle. I like the idea of giving him a terrible palanquin to sit that throne on, perhaps made out of bones and body parts. That would be a fun way to introduce him into your games in a different way!

The miniature will be available from Warhammer stores from Boxing Day until 8th January 2023. It will then be available to order online from 7th January through 15th January.

Could you be tempted by the shambling horrors of the Flesh-eater Courts?

"I like the idea of giving him a terrible palanquin to sit that throne on, perhaps made out of bones and body parts..."

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