Battle The Black Knight As A Mighty Barbarian With Spellcrow

March 29, 2022 by brennon

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Spellcrow has a couple of new 28mm Fantasy miniatures for you to snap up and add to your collection. You have both a villainous foe and a mighty hero that could well end up facing each other on the tabletop.

Black Knight - Spellcrow

Black Knight // Spellcrow

The Black Knight here is looking super awesome. I love the style of the sculpt which evokes old school Dungeons & Dragons foes. You could see this fellow being used to represent a Death Knight in roleplaying games. He totally deserves glowing eyes.

I have always liked the idea of awesome, undead warriors clad in heavy armour. There's something quite badass about a skeletal foe that is able to bring their centuries of combat expertise to bear against a group of unsuspecting heroes.

Bring Forth The Barbarian!

As well as the Black Knight, we also have this Human With Axe. A very non-specific name but clearly a mighty barbarian hero.

Human With Axe - Spellcrow

Human With Axe // Spellcrow

He is posed in that classic "strongman" pose with his arm outstretched and muscles flexed, axe at the ready to bring down on someone worthy of a good death. Once again, he fits really nicely into that classic Fantasy aesthetic of a game like Dungeons & Dragons. So, it would be fun to see both this warrior and the Black Knight clash on the tabletop.

They could, of course, also be used with the awesome Umbra Turris Skirmish Game which you can take a peek at from Spellcrow.

Are you going to be picking up these new resin miniatures?

"They could also be used with the awesome Umbra Turris Skirmish Game..."

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