Black Scorpion Preview Salute 2024 Show Miniatures

April 1, 2024 by brennon

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Black Scorpion Miniatures have previewed their upcoming haul of Salute 2024 figures that you can scoop up at the event in just two weeks. There is a strong focus on growing the Breninmoor 32mm Fantasy range with some great new characters and troops.

Knight Commander - Black Scorpion Miniatures

Knight Commander // Black Scorpion Miniatures

The Knight Commander leads the way, clad in heavy armour and hefting around a rather deadly axe. All of the paladin-esque elements of the miniature work really nicely and you get the sense that he's a rather fanatical crusader within his Fantasy world. All of the chains and holy symbols work nicely with the cloak wrapped around him, giving him a slightly world-wearing traveller vibe.

I could see this fellow being great with a properly grimdark scheme to him. The vision in my mind of him is watching over a rain-soaked village where his men are rooting out a witch, mud covering the hem of his cloak and blood dripping from the blade of his axe.

Talking of his men, that's where these Foot Knights come in. Black Scorpion has designed a fantastic set of mighty warriors intent on claiming lost relics, banishing "evil" and smiting the undead, sending them back into their tombs.

Foot Knights 1 - Black Scorpion Miniatures

Foot Knights #1 // Black Scorpion Miniatures

Foot Knights 2 - Black Scorpion Miniatures

Foot Knights #2 // Black Scorpion Miniatures

Again, you could either go the grimdark and muddy way with these to match that vision I mentioned above or you could go off-piste. I think the crusader vibe is one worth exploring and so maybe instead of marching through a muddy European-centric vision of Fantasy, they could be marching through a sandy tomb somewhere in a foreign land. Get their boots all scuffed up with sand and base them on the cracked slabs of a tomb.

Either way, these are bloody gorgeous and I can sense a lot of people wanting to pick these up from Salute. Which direction would you go with them when it comes to painting?

Stand & Deliver!

As well as those Breninmoor Knights, we also got a look at a new miniature to match Black Scorpion's Highway Robbers. What about Lady Ferrers here?

Lady Ferrers - Black Scorpion Miniatures

Lady Ferrers // Black Scorpion Miniatures

Armed with two fearsome-looking pistols, it would be a good idea to probably choose the "life" option should she offer it to you. A brilliant miniature to sit alongside the existing collection, allowing you to take your collection in a different direction and expand your set of criminals or perhaps monster hunters.

Special Salute Miniature

Capping things off, we also got a look at the special Salute figure for this year by Black Scorpion Miniatures.

Salute 51 Miniature - Black Scorpion Miniatures

Salute 51 Miniature // Black Scorpion Miniatures

This fellow is a full-on gangster and would be great for slipping into your next Wild West adventure on the tabletop (in Tombstone maybe?). He comes with a multi-barrelled pistol and a classic revolver but clearly knows how to use both. Don't let his fancy exterior fool you. He will be available at the booth and online via the Black Scorpion Miniatures webstore.

Will you be getting your hands on any of these new miniatures?

"The Knight Commander leads the way, clad in heavy armour and hefting around a rather deadly axe..."

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