New Oathsworn Burrows & Badgers Kickstarter Launches Next Week!

May 24, 2022 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures has announced that they are getting ready to launch their next Kickstarter campaign for Burrows & Badgers. The Streets Of New Castle will go live on Tuesday 31st May!

The Streets Of New Castle - Burrows & Badgers

The Streets Of New Castle // Burrows & Badgers

Included within this set will be three new collections of metal miniatures for the Burrows & Badgers skirmish wargame. From the previews, it looks like we're going to be getting street gangs and hoodlums alongside the city watch and some "innocent" bystanders as well. There are just some of the miniatures you'll be able to pick up...


City Watch // Burrows & Badgers

The campaigns for Burrows & Badgers are usually good fun and there are often little extras that get unlocked as the campaign unfolds. I still need to paint my way through the offerings from the last campaign, to be honest! Maybe this will give me the push I need?

The Streets Of New Castle Kickstarter will run for five days so it's short and sweet. Make sure to click on the Kickstarter Page to get notified as to when the campaign goes live.

Are you going to be backing this one?

"The Streets Of New Castle Kickstarter will run for five days..."

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