CMON’s A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics Coming Soon!

February 1, 2024 by brennon

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CMON is going to be bringing their new A Song Of Ice & Fire tabletop miniatures game to Gamefound very soon! 8th February will see the launch of A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics which hones in on the more personal skirmishes taking place in the Fantasy realm of Westeros.

A Song Of Ice & Fire Tactics CMON

A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics // CMON

A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics is a two-player skirmish game where you will construct a warband and dive into a series of thrilling scenarios. What's nice about Tactics is that it looks like we're heading back in time to an earlier period in Westeros' history. The clash between the Baratheons and the Targaryen seems to be exploding at the Battle Of The Trident.

Battle Of The Trident - A Song Of Ice & Fire Tactics

Battle Of The Trident // A Song Of Ice & Fire: Tactics

The game will feature pre-assembled miniatures and everything else that you need to play right out of the box. This means that you should be set for a great clash on the tabletop between some iconic characters. Additionally, the Gamefound campaign is also bringing with it an immense release in the form of Drogon's Fury!

I'm sure that we'll end up getting more information on gameplay soon but for now, are you intrigued by what CMON is doing here? Do you like the idea of a skirmish game to sit alongside the larger mass battle game?

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"...the Gamefound campaign is also bringing with it an immense release in the form of Drogon's Fury!"

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