Have A Nice Cup Of Tea With Crooked Dice’s Island Priests

January 4, 2021 by brennon

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Crooked Dice showed off a rather fun new addition to their miniature collection recently with their Island Priests! If you've been tempted to do a fun and comedic session of 7TV then maybe this could be your starting point?

Island Priests - Crooked Dice

Island Priests // Crooked Dice

This set comes with the Wily Priest, Young Priest, Old Priest and their Housekeeper and they all look pretty darn spiffing. I wasn't entirely sure that I needed the cast of Father Ted in miniature form but I may have changed my mind.

The sculpts here from Iain Colwell are really fun and manage to capture the feel of each of the characters from the classic TV show. Now you just need to work out how best to work them into a 7TV scenario! Maybe you could use one of the episodes from the show as a guide?

Are you tempted to pick up this set of characters?

"Now you just need to work out how best to work them into a 7TV scenario! Maybe you could use one of the episodes from the show as a guide?"

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