Fight Alongside Famed Ronin Musashi In Test Of Honour

October 25, 2023 by brennon

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A brand new Ronin miniature has been added into the mix for Grey For Now Games' Test Of Honour. You will be able to use the legendary Ronin Miyamoto Musashi in your games, famed for the use of his double-bladed fighting style.

Musashi Miniature - Test Of Honour

Musashi Miniature // Test Of Honour

He was undefeated in sixty-one duels and also wrote the Book Of The Five Rings. These books laid out the philosophy and teachings of martial arts in a "down to earth" approach as Grey For Now has put it. He seems like a particular pragmatic fellow who was all about ending his opponent's lives as quickly as possible.

Musashi Card Preview - Test Of Honour

Musashi Card Preview // Test Of Honour

Musashi fought with a katana and a wakizashi which made him deadly when fighting against multiple opponents at once. He is considered one of the Kensei, a sword-saint in Japanese history. He comes with two great special rules, Challenge and Five Rings.

Challenge allows you to issue an enemy character to challenge and anyone else who attacks either opponent will suffer dishonour for stepping in the way. He also uses the teachings of the Five Rings where he will choose three of his five Skill Cards at the start of the battle. He will play differently depending on the cards you pick allowing you to tailor your use of Musashi to the opponent you're facing.

Are you going to be adding Musashi into your warband in Test Of Honour?

"He is considered one of the Kensei, a sword-saint in Japanese history..."

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