Harley Quinn Returns To Knight Models’ 3rd Edition Batman In Style

November 13, 2019 by brennon

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Another awesome preview from the team at Knight Models today as they show off this fantastic miniature for Harley Quinn, ready to work for Mr J and put Batman and his allies in their place with a big ol' mallet in the Batman Miniatures Game.

Harley Quinn Full Image - Knight Models

Check Out More 3rd Edition Batman Miniatures Game Previews

This is a rather awesome looking miniature for Harley Quinn, leaping her way over terrain to knock out a cop or two with that mallet of hers. The style they have gone for is a nice mix between the classic look we're used to seeing from earlier comics and the more modern interpretation of her from movies and the like too.

Harley Quinn #1 - Knight Models

"Harley Quinn returns once more to the streets of Gotham City, bringing her unique blend of violence and anarchy to upset the established order. Accompanying her ‘Mr. J’, Harley strives to spread chaos and discord while having the most fun possible. And no matter how many enemies she takes down, she does it with a sweet smile, because as she says: There’s always a wild side to an innocent face.

Harley’s acrobatic combat skills and her unhealthy obsession with the Joker’s well being brings a new dimension to your crew. In addition, her sadistic streak makes her incredibly dangerous and unpredictable, giving the game the touch of madness it deserves…"

Harley Quinn #2 - Knight Models

As I've mentioned above, the model is pretty darn awesome I think you'll agree. This is another miniature from their collection which is included alongside a larger piece of terrain as well but you could maybe cut this down a little if you weren't a fan of the piled-up scenery beneath her feet.

I know a lot of you are most likely waiting to see if they redo Joker now!

"...her sadistic streak makes her incredibly dangerous and unpredictable, giving the game the touch of madness it deserves"

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