Jon Hodgson’s Backdrops Return To Kickstarter

February 2, 2024 by brennon

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Jon Hodgson of Handiwork Games has returned to Kickstarter with a short but sweet campaign looking to fund the creation of a new set of Backdrop Books for when you want to showcase your miniatures in the best way possible.

John Hodgson Backdrops Two Kickstarter - Handiwork Games

Jon Hodgson Backdrops Two Kickstarter // Handiwork Games

The new collection is focusing on producing two books in A4 and A3. These backdrops are all created by Hodgson and give you a variety of both Fantasy and Sci-Fi locations for you to highlight just how awesome your miniatures look. Taking photos on a white or black background is fine but having something like this in the background with a bit of terrain should make your miniatures pop.

Jon Hodgson Backdrops Example #1 - Handiwork Games

Jon Hodgson Backdrops - Example // Handiwork Games

If you want to see how they look, Annie from Bad Squiddo Games is collaborating with Jon once again on this project. You can see some of her miniatures represented in these preview images, showing what kind of effects you can get.

Jon Hodgson Backdrops Example #2 - Handiwork Games

Jon Hodgson Backdrops - Example // Handiwork Games

Having these in A4 and A3 is also pretty good because it means that you can create some more expansive shots that could perhaps move from simply covering one miniature and instead support entire squads/regiments or maybe even armies. Jon's art is wonderful and so it's great.

It's worth diving in and exploring what the Kickstarter has to offer but at a glance, this is what's available across the A4 and A3 options.

A4 Books - Handiwork Games

A4 Books // Handiwork Games

A3 Books - Handiwork Games

A3 Books // Handiwork Games

You have the Fantasy and Sci-Fi options as well as the new Winter Backdrops which will be great for the likes of Frostgrave. As the campaign rolls on, they will most likely unlock the Skies book as well which would be great for your aircraft or maybe your winged Fantasy creatures.

This campaign only has four days left on it at the time of writing so if you're eager to snap these up, make sure to check out the campaign sooner rather than later.

What do you make of these Backdrop Books?

"You have the Fantasy and Sci-Fi options as well as the new Winter Backdrops which will be great for the likes of Frostgrave..."

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