Knight Models Previews Batman As First Dark Night Metal Figure

June 18, 2018 by brennon

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Last week we looked at Knight Models and their upcoming range of Dark Night Metal figures. Well, they then showed off the first of these miniatures for the collection, Batman The The Merciless.

Batman The Merciless - Knight Models

"My whole life, I had been afraid of doing what I knew needed to be done. Afraid to give all of myself to the battle. The helmet showed me that my codes and rules were naive. That all that truly mattered was victory. And now I would finally take it for myself."

The model looks superb and I like the idea of Knight Models focusing on exploring these weirder and quirkier sides of things within the DC Universe. DC is just not as exciting as Marvel BUT it does provide us with some very interesting characters, like Batman, and indeed when you get alternative versions like this they do invite more investigation.

We also got today, this additional version of Batman, a broken reflection of himself in The Drowned.

Batman The Drowned

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