Knight Models Discuss Special Traits In Batman 3rd Edition

November 14, 2019 by brennon

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Knight Models has been showing off some more sneak peeks at the Batman Miniatures Game 3rd Edition and this time they're discussing Special Traits and abilities in-game.

Hero Powers #1 - Knight Models

Here's what they had to say today...

"Great heroes and powerful villains are defined by that ‘something extra’ that they bring to the battle – special abilities and skills that go beyond mere henchmen.

In the Batman Miniature Game, each character has a unique set of abilities, but the most impressive and influential are reserved for the strongest heroes and villains. Some abilities are unique to a particular character; others are passive skills, meaning that they are always active and lend a permanent bonus or game effect to the model; others still require a model to spend an action, or even make extra Effort to activate."

Hero Powers #2 - Knight Models

"Veteran players will recall that some traits, such as Hypnotize, required the target enemy to resist the effects with a skill roll. Now, it is the active model that must take what we call an ‘opposed roll’ – this is a skill roll that must beat the target’s skill. (Skill rolls now are a little different, too – a model rolls a number of dice equal to their Special skill value, and chooses the two best results).

Special traits and rules are listed on a model’s character card and summarised in full on the back of the card for quick reference. Traits that require a Special Action to perform are denoted by the Special Skill icon (the bat-symbol). Keep in mind your models’ abilities when forming your crew, because complementary skills and traits will be key to victory!"

So, it will be fun to see exactly how all of these come together and the different synergies you're going to find when building your crews in the game.

Will you be checking this game out in more detail when it releases?

"So, it will be fun to see exactly how all of these come together and the different synergies you're going to find when building your crews in the game..."

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