Knight Models Preview 3rd Edition Batman & Profile Card [Updated]

November 7, 2019 by brennon

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Knight Models has been showing off a new look at the Batman that will appear in the 3rd Edition Game Box which is on the cards. This version of the Dark Knight is based on Todd McFarlane's work from Batman #423.

Iconic Batman - Knight Models

This is a very dynamic looking version of Batman where his cape has certainly gone on its very own crusade. In the original piece of artwork, Batman is wrapping his cape around a woman and shielding her from harm. Here's one of the quotes from the issue...

"I swear that if you harm that woman at all, I'll make you pay! I will break and twist things within you. You can't conceive of the pain I can cause. It's pain that will go on forever! You won't escape it... because I won't let you die!"

He sounds mighty annoyed at the foes who he has come up against that's for sure. A similar take on the cover was also used on The Grim Knight and in Rebirth where he is twined with Harley Quinn and also Catwoman. So, it has become quite an iconic image.

Update: Batman Profile Card Revealed

As well as the miniature, we also got a look at the Profile Card for Batman which will be included in the 3rd Edition set.

Batman Character Card - Knight Models

Here is what Knight Models had to say about the new cards...

"The new character card builds on the familiar elements of previous versions, but takes a bold and streamlined approach, optimizing the game elements to make them easier to reference, and play in a faster, more intuitive and more dynamic way. Key information is clearer than ever, reducing the amount of time spent cross-referencing with the rulebook.

While the design has been improved, the card retains the familiar skills and characteristics of previous editions, so existing players can easily get to grips with the rules."

I'll leave it to those of you who played the last edition of the game to let us know what you think of the profile cards they've created for this new edition. I think the layout certainly looks good as does the choice of colour palette.

The Miniature In Full

Here it is in more detail from both sides...

Batman McFarlane Front - Knight Models

Batman McFarlane Rear - Knight Models

Some might also be familiar with Spawn from McFarlane who also has a cape which defies the laws of nature. As it stands though this is a rather iconic model from an iconic cover and it looks rather flashy. I'm sure it will be interesting to paint!

A lot of folks have already asked on social media if the miniature will come detachable from the rock so it has a little more of a gaming side to it but we'll have to wait and see. This might end up just being the special miniature from the set with other options available.

What do you think?

"Some might also be familiar with Spawn from McFarlane who also has a cape which defies the laws of nature..."

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