Oathsworn Teach How To Make A Burrows & Badgers Warband

December 10, 2019 by brennon

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The folks at Oathsworn Miniatures have tried their hand at a bit of video content this week and put together a little guide as to how you Make A Warband in their game, Burrows & Badgers.

They are aiming to do more and more as time goes by on getting stuck into the game and this serves as a good starting point for someone wanting to try their hand at the game but doesn't know where to begin when choosing what creatures get added into the mix.

Burrows & Badgers is pretty free-form in that regard so it's always good to have a bit of help! Hopefully, it won't be long till we see more videos!

What do you make of this particular video?

"Burrows & Badgers is pretty free-form in that regard so it's always good to have a bit of help! "

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